Sunday 6 November 2011

Stormy Weather

These photos were taken after the storm. The sky is clearing enough to see nearby Palavas Tower, but is still threatening further downpours. The field is flooded, "inondé", and those puddles are called "flaques d;eau." There are many of them. We were confronted with many closed roads, "car inondé", for they were flooded. The sky was "gris", grey, et apres les "eclairs", after the lightning flashes, "on a entendu le tonnerre", we heard the thunder. Not cold but very windy, expected up to 100km/hour. Le vent ici est violent.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see you posting again, Miss! :D The little fragments of French woven in your posts are helpful... I find them great in preparation for the exam. :P

    The pictures and post on Larzac was very charming, too. Its history is amazing!

    Thank you for sharing your adventures with us!
