Tuesday 27 September 2011

Making New Contacts

I visited a school today and made a few contacts. I am waiting to hear if the principal will allow me to visit classes. Outside there is a  park and after a lovely conversation there with a lady in an electric wheel chair, I was surrounded by all these school students. Well, I am not one to lose an opportunity, so had a chat with them too. I came away with about six email addresses for pen pals for my classes.
The school is keeping us busy with homework and other activities. I enjoy doing things as a group as the guide, Jean-Paul, speaks non stop, not always in French but mostly. He is fluent in many languages and likes to use them in his talk.
I introduced my tutor to the secret of TASMAN verbs. She was thrilled and so were her colleagues when she passed it on. I told her the story of the cute man today as one of the students was having difficulty with pronunciation. in this area, actually, both sounds are pronounced the same. We do lots of conversation in class, from role plays about starting our own language school to opinions on politics in Norway. Great. There is a choice tomorrow afternoon of the normal Wednesday French movie or lessons in Catalan dancing. Watching the bulls in the week end was certainly out of my comfort zone but very important here. I am glad for the opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Myra, thought I would leave a wee comment so you know someone is reading your blog. Great to hear it is all going well and you are making some contacts! Your students will love to have some pen pals I bet. Renata
