Monday 2 January 2012

London and Doctor Who Experience

I was impressed by the Doctor Who Experience. We were taken as a group through a series of rooms. The first was an introduction to the show by a video of Matt Smith as the Doctor, asking us to help him get out of the Pandorica. Suddenly the Tardis appeared and we all entered through the front door to admire the inside. The children were encouraged to move certain controls, making the floor move and the whole room shake, accompanied by lots of noises. It really felt like we were inside his time machine. We were quickly captured by the daleks and taken onto one of their spaceships. Out the windows we could see the earth, other planets and many dalek ships. With the Doctor's help, we escaped into a dark tunnel where we were told not to blink! We didn't. The next room showed us the Time Vortex. We had to wear glasses to protect our eyes against radiation (radiation glasses). They didn't stop the cybermen, weeping angels or daleks from reaching out for us as they were pulled away into the vortex. They were so close we felt we could touch them. Scary for the children. We were allowed to take pictures of the exhibit afterwards. It was great. I hope you enjoy the photos.

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