Sunday 29 January 2012


Of course, a visit to Paris is a must. There is a family hotel in Montmartre, at prices I can afford, where I normally stay. Over the years I have come to know Madame quite well and enjoy our conversations at the desk when leaving or picking up the key. She is a wise lady and very kind.
I discovered parts of this area I had not seen before, more residential than touristy. Paris is full of surprises. I visited Musee Marmottan this time and saw over 100 0f Monet's paintings. I explored the Saint Michel area more thoroughly and saw the school where I stayed on my first trip to Paris as a 14 year old pupil on a school trip from Scotland. I wandered the Luxembourg Gardens and along the river Seine to the Eiffel Tower. There were musicians, human statues and just Paris everywhere.
I was fascinated by the cheese shops, the variety. The market on the Boulevard Barbes Rouchechouard was incredible, the colours of the products were like in a painting.
I was reluctant to say goodbye to Paris. Selfishly I was hoping for a dull, overcast, chilly day to make the parting easier. No joy there. The sun was shining, sky blue as blue, with a few white, fluffy clouds. I said my farewell with a promise to return.
Singapore airport had a few interesting decorations. I thought it so appropriate they were of Paris.
Hope you enjoy the pictures.
With work starting this week, I will have a break from writing my blog. Thank you all again for coming with me. I look forward to seeing my NZ family and friends in person.

Bye and God bless.

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