Sunday 9 October 2011

Another look at Palavas

There has been a distinct change in the weather. Last week I was swimming in the Mediterranean at Sete, about 30 minutes along the coast. The weather was warm and and the water beautifully clear. The colours were incredible, temperatures in low 30s. This weekend the wind started to make its presence felt, cold and strong. This wind has a reputation of being a "vent violent". I visited Palavas again today, our closest beach, wearing my coat and scarf. The beach was beautiful and I had a walk on the sand. No-one was in the water today.
The last time I was here, the town was full of visitors. The Camargue horses were on show as well as the bulls. Today seemed very quiet in comparison, but the restaurants filled up fast at lunchtime. Many chose the Mussels, smaller than we are used to in NZ. This town is famous for it's fish products.
I went up the tower to the revolving restaurant. The view was breathtaking. I could see many of the other fishing villages in the distance.

I hope you enjoy the photos.

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