Sunday 16 October 2011

En Route pour Aveyron

I spent a wonderful week end with my hostess at her family home in a small village in Aveyron. However, first of all I'd like to share with you some of the fascinating things I saw on the way there. Try to follow on a map the road through the mountains from Montpellier north. We went past amazing scenery and quaint little villages that looked like time had forgotten. But nothing prepared me for the splendour of the Gorges de la Jonte and the Gorges du Tarn. Find Meyrueis. Go west along the river Jonte until Peyreleau. Turn north east along the river Tarn all the way to the beautiful village of Enimie. There is an amazing bridge there and I just had to cross it. Hope you enjoy the photos. The height of these rocks was incredible and I am running out of adjectives to describe the view. Next time I'll tell you more about the villages we visited.

1 comment:

  1. magnifique !
    j'espère que tu profites à fond de ton séjour :)
    ps : la nourriture française me manque !
