Monday 24 October 2011


Samedi, j'ai passe toute la journee en Avignon. Le petit train m'a emenee autour de la ville, dans les petites ruelles et le guide etait tres interessant. Avignon est une vieille ville du moyen age et on peut voir les murs qui protegaient les peuples de cet epoque. Ce qui m'a donne beaucoup de plasir, fut ma visite au Palais des Papes et apres j'ai marche sur le Pont d'Avignon. Non, je n'ai pas danse, mais j'ai chante. C'etait super formidable, toute la journee. Quelle belle ville!
I accepted a lift from my hostess to Avignon on Saturday and spent a fabulous day wandering around this amazing town. There are signs of Roman, middle ages and modern buildings functioning together side by side. I was particularly fascinated by the way the builders in 1300s just built on top of huge rocks, as seen in the Popes' Palace, and nearby there were apartments on top of another rock. I loved wandering around the palace, learning about its history and seeing the huge rooms and imagining all the people going about their business there. We were directed to the top of one of the towers. The view was spectacular. I have included quite a lot of photos of this visit, as it was hard to decide what to leave out.
 A short distance by foot took me to the famous bridge. Very interesting how this bridge came to be built. It would be worth your while to google it and read about its history. Its real name is "Pont Saint-Benezet" and there are still signs of its original Roman predecessor.

At the end of the movie, you see windows with people. Actually it is a "trompe de l'oeil", which means it is an optical illusion, as the windows and people are actually painted on a flat wall.
A quick train trip and a tram ride to ease my aching feet, and I was home. What a fabulous day!

1 comment:

  1. I like the green jacket - very nice! Couldn't get the movies to work, sadly. But great pictures. :)
