Wednesday 19 October 2011

Lycee Joffre

This is Lycee Joffre, the high school I visited on Tuesday. It's an amazing place for a school and has quite a history. it used to be a citadelle centuries ago, where the soldiers lived. Then it became a military academy before being a school. It is huge and takes a long time to go from one class to the next. In the distance you can see the entrance to the school. with its white gates closed to anyone who is not meant to be there. Students must show their ID cards before being allowed in. I felt very privileged  to be welcomed here. On Tuesday I visited a Premiere class of 12 girls. They listened attentively while I spoke about my school and were honest in their opinions of a school without boys and also about having to wear uniforms. Some thought both conditions had merit. They are very keen to have pen pals in NZ and I will pass their email addresses on to those of you who would like to write to them. Yes I do have boys too, from another school and will be returning to this school after their mid-term break. School has been going for 6 weeks and now will have a 2 week break.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Myra, it's Janet here, just in case you didn't recognise the email account. I have enjoyed looking at your blog and seeing your photos. It all sounds wonderful. All is well at Westlake in your absence, Birigt is coping well and we enjoy having her. Today the French group from Dijon arrived so I met Beatrice etc and we have 2 boys staying at home with us. They are just falling asleep in front of a recording of the Rugby final, trying to stay awake a little longer. Back to school tomorrow, I am sure this last term will fly by. All the best, Myra, from Janet
